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Berkeley International Partners with leading PR firm MPR Communications

Berkeley International Partners with MPR Communications - Representatives of International Premium Drinks Companies. We will be sharing some Fabulous Cocktail Recipes to add some Va Va Voom to your date!

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Cross Cultural Dating

Technology and easy travel is making the world more accessible every day. One consequence is that attitudes toward dating between cultures give the appearance of relaxing and that cross cultural mixing and matchmaking is on the rise. 

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Online Dating and Your Mental Health

Low self-esteem, online addiction, burn out, and anxiety are the tip of the online depression iceberg. We are seeing a big push on mental health awareness at the moment but the full impact of online dating and social media has not yet been recognised.

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Berkeley International Announce New Partnership With JWP Media Group

Berkeley International are delighted to announce their partnership with the JWP Media Group, founded by James W Phillips.

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Making Assumptions……

Assumptions can manifest at any stage of a relationship - before you meet, early on and even after you are well down the partnership road - and all can be equally problematical. 

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Love after Brexit

Now the drawn out divorce between the UK and the EU is over and the new rules are taking shape, we thought a one-off piece on how Brexit has affected visas and immigration wouldn't go amiss as the UK starts to navigate its way back into the world. 

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Who Pays on a First Date?

The roadmap to freedom is counting down, the birds are getting chatty, the pubs are unstacking tables, there’s new summer clothes to buy for long awaited holidays- the time to get out and about is nearly upon us and all those months of waiting to date will be in the rear view mirror. But have we forgotten how to date non-virtually?

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Valentine's Day in Lockdown

The interminable cold of January is behind us. Spring is in the air. The birds are getting frisky. The vaccine is rolling out. And just when you are starting to think positive, Valentine’s Day looms.

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Cupid, Corona and Dating

This unprecedented time is seeing a return to more old fashioned values, to romance rather than flings, to depth over superficiality, to thinking rather than swiping. The pandemic has given us is time to reflect. Guidance for online and virtual dating during Covid.

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Loneliness and Dating During Covid

Dating and Loneliness in Covid: Now is that moment to establish a strong emotional connection virtually rather than swiping left on dating apps or filling in questionnaires so that, when the time comes to meet and date offline, the actual physical meeting is much less of a hit and miss affair.

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The Luxury Restaurant Guide

Exclusive Access for Berkeley Members to The Luxury Restaurant Guide together with an introductory visit to Mosimann’s and complimentary champagne.

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Dating during a pandemic

As the coronavirus outbreak continues, we at Berkeley International have seen an increased number of members joining, both nationally and internationally, as people are forced to socialise less in person.

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When healthy relationship habits turn toxic

There are some relationship behaviours that are easily assumed to be healthy when first they begin, and it’s not easy to spot the signs when they morph into something altogether

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Spending Christmas or New Year apart?

Spending Christmas or New Year apart when you’re part of a couple can put certain strains on how much you enjoy the holiday season as a whole. We all want

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Men need dating help too

There comes a point when dating life gets difficult for both sexes.  If this time comes for you, it’s important to acknowledge that you as a man have as much

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So, we’re nearly at the end of your dating year

Now that 2019 is coming to a close you’re probably feeling a huge shift in energy from the people around you. We’re all already talking about 2020 and, whether we

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Men: 4 ways to show her you’re serious and interested

It appears that men and women find it more and more difficult these days to work out whether their date, or new partner, is actually interested in them.  And if

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6 Red flags to be wary of on a first date

When on a date it’s likely you’ll be on high alert for words or actions you either like or don’t like, we know that.  Having said this, when you’re caught

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How to start a new relationship

Starting a new relationship can be a daunting and intimidating experience, no matter whether you’ve been single a long time or are just coming out of a long term partnership.

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Fun and freedom after your breakup

When we break up from a partner who really meant something to us, there’s always going to be a low period. It doesn’t necessarily matter how many times we’ve been

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Are you really just bickering?

So you may not be a couple who fight in the heated sense, with arms flailing and raised voices, but this doesn’t mean you don’t argue. Interestingly, there’s a large

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5 irresistible traits women look for in a man

Everyone’s different, we know that. Some women prefer taller men, some are only interested if you’re childfree and CEO of your own company. What we’re not trying to do here

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Yes, there’s a difference between sex and intimacy

As an adult, it shouldn’t be breaking news to you that intimacy and sex are far from the same thing. We all know it’s possible to have sex with someone

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6 Habits we start to take for granted in relationships

Basic manners In the early days of dating most of our manners are impeccable and there’s not one word or action we miss when assessing how potential partners treat us. As

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Gaslighting in relationships: the not so obvious abuse

There’s a lot of open talk now about the different types of toxicity people can experience within relationships. It used to be that domestic violence was the only focus, that

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What’s your love language?

The Five Love Languages book was published in 1992 by Gary Chapman and became a worldwide phenomenon in the field of love and relationships. For those who’ve read it, it’s

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40 And Ready to Start a Family

Unfortunately, for some women in today’s society, one of the most frustrating elements of life is deciding when, if and how you choose to become a mother. The minute you

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The Tech Files: Texting On A Date

Most of us could be described as at least mildly attached to our mobile phones. If there’s a spare moment to be had, gone are the days where we sit

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The Tech Files: Online Cheating

We hear stories all the time about women catching their partners talking to other women online. We’re not being sexist, we’re relaying real stories and unfortunately, the majority of these

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The Tech Files: Texting Your Ex

Staying in contact with an ex is, for the majority of people, fraught with issues. It’s not necessarily only negative breakups that cause the most stress, even splitting up on

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How to tackle your loneliness

There’s a lot of talk about loneliness these days. It used to be an unfortunate accompaniment to old age, something that showed up overnight with the death of a loved

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What relationship hang-ups do you have?

It’s unlikely you’ll be surprised to find out there are very few personal hang-ups which affect dating as much as age and weight.  These topics infiltrate nearly every area of

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Ghosting, what you need to know

Ghosting appears, ironically, to be something that has sprung up out of nowhere these past few years. It’s likely been around for decades, but as the ways in which we

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5 Ways to improve your dating profile this Valentine’s Day

If your gift to yourself this Valentine’s Day is to get serious about your dating life, then one of the easiest steps to take is sorting out your dating profile.

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Help, my ex lives across the road!

Breaking up with someone is difficult at the best of times; the pain, anguish and uncertainty of what the future holds can be overwhelming. It’s common to hear

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Sorry, but you’re not ready for love

We meet a lot of people in this line of business, from the desperately seeking to the nonchalantly hoping. As many of you know, we don't take on

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How can we help you?

If you’ve been following our blog for the past few years you’ll know we’ve covered a multitude of different topics, guiding both men and women through the world of dating.

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Christmas gifts for you lover

It’s that time of year again!  That time to declare you’re not buying anyone a gift, before turning around and diving head-first into the festive commercialism.  Try not to feel

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Is now the right time to have children with her?

At some point in a serious relationship, the majority of men will need to make a decision about whether or not having children is on the cards.  Depending on personal

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Is he the right man to have children with?

There may be some of you women out here who, whilst looking for a life partner, are also weighing up the possibility of having children. Whether you feel becoming a

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4 Things you should know before marriage

Deciding to tie the knot is an exciting time in any person’s life.  Marriage, ignoring all the bad press it gets, is about declaring your love for one another and

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Benefits and Drawbacks of Being Single

Being single can be seen as a blessing or a curse. If you're fresh out of a relationship and still nursing some wounds, you might spend a lot of your

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Social media: see the person, not the profile

So, fabulous news, you’ve met someone using a matchmaker or you’ve struck lucky on a night out. Back in the day, before the first date, there would be masses of

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So, you think she’s the one…

Unfortunately in the dating world we can become so accustomed to meeting love interests that don’t work out, or partners who quickly disappoint us, that when someone truly wonderful shows

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All summer, zero romance

The rain is becoming slightly more frequent and you’re reaching for your autumn wardrobe more and more, it’s also now painfully obvious that the summer romance you had hoped for

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Does she love you or your wallet?

We work with a lot of wealthy men in our business, men who have high value of assets, high public profiles and a lot to lose by investing emotionally in

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5 Ways to get a woman in the mood

Most people know foreplay isn’t something that only happens in the twenty minutes before sex.  Getting a woman in the mood to be intimate involves a lot more effort and

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Why finding love feels harder over 30

As we get older the search for love, when we’re not already partnered up and happy, can feel like an uphill climb.  The fears are similar for both sexes; the

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4 Signs that you need to emotionally reconnect with your partner

Relationships when they first begin can be all-consuming.  Couples want to spend every moment together, know everything about each other, love through the thick and thin, support through the amazing

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Women: 5 Things to NEVER say on a first date

We’ve let the men know what 5 things to never say on a first date and so now ladies it’s your turn!  Whilst some of the inadvisable statements and questions

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Men: 5 Things to NEVER say on a first date

Knowing what to say on a first date can be daunting, especially when coupled with the fear of having to sit through awkward silences and having nothing in common.  Sometimes

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Ladies, this is what he wants from a woman…

If you’ve been single a while, or are recently getting back into the dating world, you may be wondering exactly what it is men are seeking in 2018.  It has

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Guys, this is what she means when she says she wants a real man…

You may be familiar with hearing phrases such as, ‘I just want a real man’ or ‘I just want someone decent’ when women are asked what they want from a

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It’s All Happening Online, Why Would I Want A Matchmaker?

When it comes to the public perception of matchmakers, there are some wildly out-dated visions conjured up in people’s minds. The image of an elderly lady flicking through old-style roller

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What To Do When Your Values Differ From Your Partner’s

These days our requirements for a partner can be extensive. As we become more confident in asking for the things we want in life and as we witness the ever-growing

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When Can I Get Comfortable In A Relationship?

There is always something in relationships to keep us guessing, such as ‘is this the one?’ or ‘is it too early to admit I eat toast in the shower?’.  Getting

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Does Your Independence Get In The Way Of Your Dating Life?

One of the things we hear from the successful women who join our agency is that they intimidate men.  The partners that they find interesting and attractive consistently appear put

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Single? How To Manifest Love This Valentine’s Day

If you’re single this Valentine’s Day then we have a very exciting activity on the cards for you.  Yes, you heard right, we have an evening planned that means you

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Men – The Questions Your Valentine’s Blind Date Really Wants To Ask You.

People are usually on their best behaviour when it comes to first dates.  Filled with a whole gamut of emotions, even the most confident of us are likely to be

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Have You Planned For Love?

When we’re single it’s very easy to not do a lot of things because we don’t yet have a partner.  It’s as though suddenly, a whole portion of the world

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New love, Same You

There is a tendency at this time of year for people to go a little wild with their motivation.  Suddenly endeavours which have always appeared out of reach or unsustainable

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Do You Really Need To Make New Year Resolutions?

Before you get out your pen and paper this year and follow through with the blind pursuit of making New Year resolutions, ask yourself this, do I really need to?

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Notes to take if you’re lonely this Christmas

In case you haven’t noticed, the world is full swing into this festive period and you, my dear, are coming along for the reindeer ride. From simple pleasantries, such as

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Thinking About A Workplace Romance?

Aside from your home, the next place you most likely spend the majority of your time is at work.  For this reason, the possibility of meeting someone who’s a good

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How To Manage Your Ex And Your New Relationship

In an ideal world, breaking up with someone would be clean cut and hassle-free. People would admit and accept they're not compatible, then move on with their lives.  In reality

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When Love Is A One-Way Street

Being in love is almost universally accepted as one of the most exciting and pleasurable states we can be in.  Unfortunately, it’s also acknowledged as one of the hardest, most

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5 Rules For Making Up After An Argument

Arguing, disagreeing, bickering, whatever you want to call it, happens in all relationships. It’s easy to do, easy to say the wrong thing without thinking, easy to half deal with

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Help, My Partner Behaves Like A Child

We all have roles to play in our relationships and over time they can become fixed.  Good guy or bad guy, we get used to acting our part and also

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How To Move On After Infidelity

The topic of infidelity isn’t a pleasant one but it’s one that needs to be discussed.  There’s no point pretending it doesn’t exist, but rather than talk about how terrible

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How To Come Back From A Dating Siesta

If you’ve been looking for love for a long time without success, or you’ve decided that after a recently ended relationship you need a break from dating, then coming back

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How To Love After Loss

Losing love unexpectedly or through no fault of your own can be heart shattering. The experience makes us vulnerable, wary of opening up and disbelieving of the possibility that both

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10 Spontaneous Things To Do This Summer

Make this summer one to remember by being spontaneous and doing all those things you’ve thought about, but never tried. You have little to lose and a whole lot to

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Your Boyfriend Is How Young?

If you’re a woman with a significantly younger partner, you may be familiar with the term cougar being used to describe you.  Not all women find it flattering being named

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How To Know If Someone Is Right For You

As intuitive and self-aware as you may be, assessing whether a partner is right for you can be a delicate process.  Most of us can get through a few dates

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How To Establish Trust In New Relationships

Without doubt, one of the biggest challenges at the start of a relationship is learning if and how to trust your new partner.  This can be especially tricky if you’re

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How To Date Someone From a Different Culture

Media representations of couples from different cultures are becoming more common in today’s society and the majority of us no longer give it a second thought. Like most situations however,

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Wait, Your Girlfriend is How Young?

Dating within our age range is, when you think about it, quite a logical thing to do.  It means that our journey in life can perhaps sync more easily.  When

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Wait, Your Boyfriend Is How Old?

It’s far more common in society to witness women dating considerably older men than it is to see young men dating older women.  However unfair or inaccurate it may seem,

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Help, My Relationship Is Ending

Ending a relationship can be one of the hardest things that we do in our lives.  Whether the decision to split is mutual or one-sided, it’s never easy and the

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Changes to Expect in Your Relationship

It’s inevitable that over time your romantic relationships will change.  It happens with familial relationships, our friendships, even with our work colleagues.  Change is a natural part of growing and

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How To Continue The Romance After Valentine’s Day

After the hype of your Valentine’s Day celebrations, however long these last for you, it’s extremely easy for the romance to simmer down without either of you even realising it’s

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Your Practical Guide To Valentine’s Day

There are a ton of different gifts and activities that over the years have become standard fare for Valentine’s Day.  So much so, that many of us don’t expect anything

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How To Be Single And Still Have a Life

Following on from our popular article How to ditch the ‘I can’t, I’m single’ excuses we’ve put together a list of some of our member’s most common challenges when wanting

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How To Ditch The ‘I Can’t, I’m Single’ Excuses: Sundays, Eating Out, Going To The Movies

As a single person you very likely have a list of activities that you won’t do, or will only do reluctantly.  Whether the limits you’ve set yourself are conscious or

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Your first Christmas as a couple

With the Christmas season upon us, there are the inevitable questions of where you’re going to spend the festive days and who’s friends and families get added to the visiting

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How to get through the party season if you’re single

From mid-December until roughly the first week or so of January, you most likely wont be able to move for party invites.  People have time off and understandably want to

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So, You’re Dating My Mother?

This blog we’re sticking with the theme of helping men to understand what’s important to the other males in their partner’s life.  Following on from our <em>So, you want to

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So, You Want To Date My Daughter?

There's a vast array of female dating experts and matchmakers who can write skilfully about love and relationships.  We offer advice to men about grooming and manners, and even go

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Having Sex With Someone New

The question of when and if to have sex with someone for the first time is always going to elicit different answers and opinions from people you ask.  It’s one

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Men: How To Pick The Right Partner

Men are given a raw deal in society sometimes.  They can be depicted as superficial when choosing the right partner and are often accused of favouring looks or age over

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Kiss and Make up Day

Kiss and make up day this August 25th is a time for you and your partner to revisit the days when fights or disagreements were ended with passionate displays of

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Romance Awareness Month

It’s Romance Awareness Month this August, which on the one-hand sounds beautifully exciting and on the other, like a campaign for some mildly awkward syndrome. The biggest question from those

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Your First Couples’ Holiday

So, right now you’re dating. You’re seeing each other a few times a week, have probably stayed at each other’s houses and maybe even had a weekend away together. Now,

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International Kissing Day

When events pop up in our calendar that signal as much romance as International Kissing Day, it’s near impossible to not get involved in the love fest. Kissing, whether gently

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The Need For Acceptance In Relationships

The word ‘acceptance’ can have so many different connotations when used in terms of human behaviour and experience.  No matter how important we know it to be in almost every

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Dating When You Have a Fear of Rejection

In life there are a multitude of reasons why we stop ourselves from having certain experiences or getting involved in particular situations.  Usually they have very little to do with

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How to Winter-Proof Your Summer Romance

The approach of summer is a part of the year that most people await with anticipation. Past summers are remembered for their excitement, those memories bringing the promise of fun

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Berkeley and The Chapar!

Berkeley International has teemed up with The Chapar to offer our clients a personal styling service for men>. The Chapar concept originated from a father and son who believed that

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4 Tips to Make Summer Dates Sizzle

Dates in summertime have the wonderful advantage of relaxed atmospheres, warm sunshine and seemingly endless possibilities for fun and adventure.  With this can come the easy feeling that anything goes

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The Words That Are Getting in The Way of Your Dating Life

&nbsp; It’s important to maintain a healthy and positive attitude when dating and yet, it can be so easy to let this slip.  When we’ve been single for a long time

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We offer country specific, European, and Global agency memberships. Once we have discussed and understand your specific requirements, we will be able to recommend a suitable, tailor-made membership package with bespoke fees for you.

If you are seeking an elite matchmaking consultancy service where the exceptional is distinguished from merely the very good, please get in touch for a confidential consultation.

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