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Notes to take if you’re lonely this Christmas

In case you haven’t noticed, the world is full swing into this festive period and you, my dear, are coming along for the reindeer ride. From simple pleasantries, such as returning a stranger’s Merry Christmas, to being guilt-tripped into ‘festive jumper day’ at work, there’s little chance of a total escape. So, what do you do when you don’t feel like celebrating, when Christmas for you is a lonely affair? With all the media emphasis being on laughs with friends and dinner with huge families, we’re here to help you get by with something a little more tailor-made.


The very act of getting up, getting dressed and being excited, can be the absolute hardest part of Christmas for someone who is single, living away abroad, or who doesn’t have the big circle of friends and family. If this is you and your motivation for December joviality is lacking, then our advice is to set yourself some simple and personal targets. Try putting your focus on yourself and total strangers this year. Prepare to do things that we usually all talk ourselves out of when we really get the chance, such as visiting a Christmas market in a different city, or getting involved in a community activity (am-dram, anyone?) Volunteering to help others is also highly fulfilling and can go a long way to undoing any urges to dwell in what you don’t have.


This time of year is not all festive jumpers and glee for everyone except you, no matter how it may look. Yes, there are those out there who live for hanging baubles on the tree, but there are also many for whom it’s a time of missing loved ones and being thankful for just making it through to another year. If you’re feeling down in the dumps, we want you to spend some time actively acknowledging all the good qualities now present in your world. A lot of life, especially if you’re ambitious and driven, can be spent focused on what we haven’t yet acquired or what we’re working towards, so for a short while take stock of what you already have and love about your reality. Don’t presume to know everyone else is having a much better time.


A common activity for people to dive into at the end of the year is a full-on assessment of everything that’s happened over the past 12 months. When you’re feeling low or lonely, this is not necessarily the best time to do it! What you don’t want is an exercise in wallowing that’s likely to turn into the regretful act of either eating too much or drinking more than is advisable – even at Christmas.If you really want to spend the time understanding why you’re feeling blue about not having a partner, then the best course of action is to put a plan together about what you’re going to try and do differently, so maybe next year can be shared with someone special.


Keep your eye on the prize. Although the lead up to Christmas can be full-on and feel utterly relentless if it’s something you’re not actually looking forward to, there is the solace that come Boxing Day, everyone’s in the same boat. We’re all far more interested in what sales are on, what New Year resolutions are to be made and what new life experiences the next year is going to bring. Hold out for Boxing Day, my friend, it’ll then be time to get back to normality.Are you tired of spending Christmas alone? If so fill in our discrete


and let Berkeley international find you someone to spend the rest of your Christmases with.