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It’s always advisable to contact us directly if you have specific questions about what we do.  For those of you looking for fast information however, here are answers to some of the most common questions we receive.

Who are your members?

Our discreet dating services attract highly successful individuals who expect impeccable service and a tailored approach to their search for a relationship.  We attract A-list celebrities, high-ranking business people and members from some of society’s most elite families.  As an exclusive introductions and elite dating agency we interview all who apply to become members.  This means that whether you’re CEO of a FTSE 100 company, or rising swiftly within your own professional circle, it’s worth having a conversation with us.

The vast majority of our clients are sure about what they want when signing up with us and we provide coaching to those who are not.  As an international dating agency, we are familiar with applicants who have multiple or complex needs, mostly in regards to location and time management when dating.  Some members are willing to consider international dating in order to find the right person, others prefer to be matched within their own city.  Our member needs are diverse and it’s our role to ensure they receive a service respectful of this.

How quickly can I expect to meet someone?

Our goal as one of the world’s foremost and specialist international dating agencies is not simply to have you meet ‘someone’. Our aim, and what we are exceptional at doing, is helping you to meet ‘the one’.  Our focus is one hundred per cent on quality matches, in their right time, rather than large quantities of dates fast.  This is not how we operate.

Berkeley International understands and respects that your time is extremely precious.  Our members are busy individuals with numerous commitments vying for their attention. For this reason too, what you won’t receive from us is an endless string of dating choices, with individuals who vaguely match up to your preferences and needs.  You will receive handpicked matches, based on our communications and ones which have the best chance of blossoming into true romance.

Discreet exclusive matchmaking whether locally or across borders can be an extremely fast process, or sometimes slower, more methodical work. We insist that all members trust us to do what we have decades of expertise doing.  Rest assured you will be matched with the right person, at the right time.

I travel a lot, which office is best for me?

As an international dating agency we have made it exceptionally easy for you to choose where to base your contact with us. Remember, this is your dating experience, therefore the best office for you is the one you feel most comfortable traveling to and is the most convenient for the life you lead.

Bear in mind that the office you feel most comfortable building a relationship with may not necessarily be near your official primary address. For instance, we have members whose primary residences are in the USA but who spend several months of the year between London and multiple European destinations.  For these members, a European office contact works best.  If need be, we will advise on which arrangement we believe is suitable for yourself.

We also have members who work in fields or industries that are spontaneous and can see them leaving town with only a few hours notice.  After an initial meeting, they require a much more tailored approach and our specialist matchmaking team are flexible enough to cater to this.

Do I get an online profile?

Here at Berkeley International we do not use online profiles or offer any type of online dating services. Our ethos is clear and we pride ourselves on person-to-person interactions always, coupled with meticulous offline matchmaking processes.  We do not have an online database of photographs, or biographies of our members.

We understand that most of life now happens online, however, we believe this has played a major role in desensitising people’s mindset and intuitions within the world of dating. We strongly value our members and encourage them to always be respectful and appreciative of the other wonderful people they meet, who are also seeking a relationship.  Scrolling through lists of individuals, as though online shopping, is not something we would ever promote and is not the formula of an elite dating service.

What experience does your team have?

Between all our matchmakers, in all our offices around the world, we have decades upon decades of experience with connecting people who wish to build happy and successful relationships together. Our experience spans multiple professions, cultures, preferences, status and personal goals. From confident actors to shy self-made millionaires, we have always and will continue to serve individuals from all walks of life.  

Berkeley International has been a forerunner in the professional matchmaking industry for many, many years and we have consistently remained the preferred choice for society’s elite singles. Our experience in offering exclusive dating services has meant that as a company we’ve gone from strength to strength, can be depended upon and are the very best at what we do.

Is my search for a relationship going to be confidential?

Berkeley International is a discreet dating service and we place the utmost importance on your privacy and confidentiality.  The simple fact is, given the clientele we attract, we would not be able to operate successfully without guaranteeing a high and secure level of confidentiality and privacy.

We understand that our members all have very different and serious reasons for wanting to keep any and all romantic pursuits out of the press and society gossip. Whom we connect with and choose to love is a delicate and deeply personal part of the lives we live.  Our exclusive dating agency respects this, even if those around you fail to.  

Regardless how much of your life is already open to public scrutiny or how entitled the world feels to know the ins and outs of your romantic life, Berkeley International does everything within its power to maintain discretion in all your matches and interactions with us.  It is our number one priority, closely followed of course, by finding you the partner of your dreams.

Why matchmaking when I can go online?

You are in charge of your dating choices and journey and as an elite matchmaking agency it’s not our role to convince you which direction to go.  Having said this, we firmly believe that the online dating experience has been detrimental to a lot of people wishing to find true, fulfilling and lasting connections. There are, of course, those who swear by online dating and who have done well with it, but there are many who haven’t and that is perhaps the reason you’re here reading this.

When working with an exclusive matchmaker you will not become desensitised to the process, you will not need to spend hours aimlessly scrolling, winking or swiping right at people, in the hope they’ll do the same in return. Specialist matchmaking is a personal, intimate process, one in which we handpick individuals who are suitable for each other and committed about being in a relationship. Our discreet dating services are tailored to give you the best results that are confidential and do not require online or public profiles.

What happens at the interview?

One of the many great positives about engaging an international matchmaker is that we help people express and communicate what they are really looking for, rather than what is deemed socially attractive or acceptable.  In our first meeting with you, we will encourage you to speak openly and honestly about yourself.  This is totally informal and we’re interested in your dreams, hobbies and past, as well as your outlook on life.  We also of course ask that you describe your ideal partner.

There is no need to feel intimidated or nervous about the application process, as it is simply a chance for us to assess your fit for our other members, and for you to make sure you’re comfortable to be represented on our books.  It is very much a two-way process and conversation, so do prepare some questions for your specialist matchmaker beforehand and have a think about what you expect from us and our service.  Good communication, up front, makes for a better relationship long term.

Do you provide feedback?

Our specialist matchmakers will always follow up with both members of a match after a date, to get feedback and offer any advice that is asked of us.  It is always your decision whether you want to meet your match again. There is no limit on the number of dates you can request within your membership, the priority for us is your happiness and certainty that you have found the right person to develop a relationship with.  

I don’t know who I want to date, can you still help me?

If you don’t know exactly what you want when you walk through our doors, we have people on hand to help you work this out.  As well as the practical elements of dating, such as arranging locations, styling and confidence coaching, we are also equipped and eager to help with clarity coaching.

If you are currently struggling and unsure about your dating preferences, we always advise that you ask yourself two questions, what do I definitely want? and what do I definitely not want?

In our experience as international matchmakers, it’s imperative that as early on as possible you have a very good idea of what your non-negotiables are.  These are preferences that you’re not prepared to compromise on, no matter the opportunity being presented.  Typical non-negotiables include whether or not you want to have a family, whether you are open to marriage, relocation, or if you’re prepared to date someone with young children.

Our elite matchmakers or coaches will help you work through these different options, so you can gain better clarity on the requirements you’re comfortable taking forwards into your dating life and beyond.

Is coaching available?

Yes, coaching is offered to all of our members, depending on the needs of the individual.  Some members want to increase their confidence levels, others need assistance getting their dating wardrobe into shape, or fully letting go of beliefs that may interrupt their success in maintaining lasting relationships.  As an exclusive matchmaking service, we are highly adept at providing our members with whatever they require.  We are extremely intuitive and so will also make particular suggestions, depending on our communications with you, feedback and your relationship requirements.

Do you vet members?  

We fully understand that some of our members are concerned about the calibre of matches they may be provided with.  We also acknowledge that your status, financial success or public persona may previously have found you in relationships with people who didn’t have the best intentions.  Our specialist matchmaking team vet all applicants thoroughly and matches are only made with members who have been approved, paid their fee and had an in-person interview with us.

We attract high calibre individuals who are looking for long term and serious partnerships.  This is not an elite dating agency for people who are only interested in advancing their own, inappropriate intentions.

Can you assist with arranged marriages?

Here at Berkeley International, whether making local or international matches, our pairings are based on compatibility.  We always endeavour to match members on mutual interests, goals, lifestyle, needs and beliefs systems.  We do not specialise in arranged marriages or religious dating, but have been successful at making introductions between people with the same backgrounds and cultural experiences.