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Summer Love

Research tells us that summer flings are out this year, most are prepared to spend time looking for a romantic connection. However, for the well-heeled it can be tricky to find places where you feel comfortable and where there are some like-minded singles.
So, if you’re prepared to take a chance and not return to nest in that private villa or summer house where (let’s face it) it’s unlikely you’re going to meet anyone new, where are the best places to go this summer where stepping outside your comfort zone gives you a shot at finding love.
First off, forget the multitude of couples havens. All very idyllic but in practice this means you are probably not going to meet anyone. And cross off family friendly places, not the guest list of choice for singles. Adult only hotels can work, depending on attitude. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive or the most trendy - the right people tend to go for good food and entertainment in a hassle free environment.
Below are 4 suggestions for singles:  
A really relaxed place to meet new people casually is a small, high end cruise down the Nile. Steam Ship Sudan Nile Cruises attract an eclectic spectrum of clients with some interesting stops en route and usually knowledgeable speakers. A great way to meet people in an informal setting.
Majorca offers several hot spots where the local bars and restaurants are frequented by an international mix who are fun and out to have fun. Palma has some excellent restaurants and bars but Ses Illetes, Port Andratx and Puerto Pollensa are the pick of the island villages where you might bump into someone interesting in a beachside café.
Corsica attracts the moor the yacht and drink crowd in the summer months. Nevertheless, it’s a lovely spot and Bonifacio is the pick of the bunch, especially for foodies.
Or, if you fancy taking a chance, why not sign up for a luxury singles tour with Abercrombie & Kent to the Himalayas or further afield - pick your spot and roll the dice!
If all fails this Summer contact us at Berkeley International, the world’s most exclusive introduction agency [].