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How to get through the party season if you’re single

From mid-December until roughly the first week or so of January, you most likely wont be able to move for party invites. People have time off and understandably want to use it catching up with friends or doing the things that we’re usually all too busy to do. As part of a couple or close gang of friends it can be exhilarating, but when you’re single it may be a lonely time of year. If you’re feeling at somewhat of a loose end, there are some things that you can do to make sure that you not only get through the festivities in one piece emotionally, but also have a great time in the process.


Depending on the type of company you work at, you may have to attend a function that allows you bring a plus one. When you’re single, you have three choices; to go alone, take a friend or to not go. Whilst the last two options may seem the least daunting, actually making your single status known can be a positive thing. The mistake a lot of people make is to constantly arm themselves with an entourage, or a best friend whenever going out to socialise. This can mean that people who are interested in you romantically think you’re in a relationship or, that they’re too intimidated to approach you. Use your work party to practice enjoying being footloose and fancy-free. You never know, maybe another of your colleagues has a single friend as their plus one.


So, there’s no special person in your life who’s going to buy you that significant piece of jewellery or the latest tech gadget you’ve been eying up for two months. So, what? Buy it for yourself is what we say. Think of the funds you save not having to shell out on expensive presents for a lover and treat yourself to something fabulous. There are far too many activities and gifts that we wait until we’re part of a couple before we allow ourselves to enjoy. Life is too short to put these experiences on hold, so make sure you go to that opera, that theatre show or that Christmas panto. It will help to grow your confidence and it’s a great way to meet like-minded people.


Going out for dinner and drinks during this period can be fun, but returning to an empty house may add a dampener to events. Likewise, if you find yourself the only one around the Christmas table with no significant other, or no one to lock eyes with as the new year bells chime, it can be easy to begin feeling sorry for oneself. Try to combat these moments by having a plan to make yourself feel better. Schedule Skype or Facetime calls with children and loved ones you can’t be with, set up joint games on your smart phone thatcan be played apart or, make sure you have your favourite foods and films on hand so you can indulge in your me-time. Embrace the freedom of the season and make it as much yours as you can.


So, it may seem like the worst thing you could possibly do at Christmas, but we’ve thrown in this curve ball for a reason. There are people out there who enjoy the work that they do, sometimes more than they do the routines and commercialism during this part of the year. Are you one of them? If you work in an environment where it’s an option rather than compulsory to take days off, you may actually enjoy spending the time with a group of people who have all made the same choice as yourself. It can be somewhat liberating to not be held so tight to convention.If you are looking for that special someone over the party season fill out or discrete contact form here [] and let our expert matchmakes help find you love.