Il existe une multitude de cadeaux et d'activités qui, au fil des ans, sont devenus la norme pour la Saint-Valentin. À tel point que beaucoup d'entre nous ne s'attendent pas à quelque chose de particulièrement créatif et ne se sentent pas non plus obligés d'offrir quelque chose d'original. Chez Berkeley International, nous savons que nous n'avons pas toujours le temps d'être très inventifs, c'est pourquoi nous nous concentrons cette année sur quelques classiques. Nous veillons à ce que vous fassiez ce que vous pouvez, mais toujours dans les règles de l'art.
A dozen long stem roses is a beautiful sight to behold and has been the signature of lovers for hundreds of years. As stunning as they are, and even considering everything they symbolise, we suggest thinking carefully before making them your default choice. What can be more meaningful is to buy flowers that are personal to your lover, maybe their favourite type, to show you know them and what makes them happy. If it’s still early days in the relationship or you genuinely don’t know what your partner’s favourite flowers are, give yourself time to improvise. Walk into a florist, maybe a couple of different ones, and take a real look around. Find a bouquet that, for you, represents or reminds you of your mate. You can even describe their personality to the florist and have them make suggestions. When you give your partner the flowers, tell them why you chose those particular ones, so they know how much thought went into it.
Visiting favourite restaurants can be a wonderful way to reminisce and bond with each other. With all of our busy schedules these days, sometimes familiarity is the most relaxing go-to for a couple. If so, book your favourite table, have your favourite wine on chill for your arrival and take your time with each moment. If you want to try somewhere new this year, or your relationship isn’t at the ‘our favourite places’ stage, then we suggest revamping the whole dinner experience. Give the evening an elegant edge by travelling in an executive car, having cocktails in an upmarket hotel bar beforehand, or dessert somewhere fun that you’re both completely overdressed to be in. This is the stuff memories are made from and a great way to build even more experiences into a special night out.
We apologise in advance for offending anyone, but any old box of cheap chocolates from a shop on your local high street – no matter how popular – is not going to cut it. You should spend as much time choosing the right chocolates to gift as you would the perfect wine to accompany an important meal. Does your husband or wife prefer Belgium or Swiss, milk or dark, truffles or artisan? If you’re going to give someone the gift of chocolates, make an effort to buy ones that are truly worth the calorific intake. Chocolates should never be seen as a quick win, where just anything will do.
Il n'y a rien de plus ennuyeux que de recevoir une belle carte de Saint-Valentin dont les seuls mots écrits à la main ou uniques sont votre nom et un baiser. Donnez à votre carte une valeur ajoutée instantanée en écrivant quelques mots sur la personne à qui elle est destinée et sur ce qu'elle représente pour vous. Personne ne s'attend à une poésie à la Shakespeare et il n'est pas non plus nécessaire de rédiger une longue dissertation. Il suffit de faire un peu plus d'efforts pour s'exprimer et cela suffira à faire sentir à quelqu'un qu'on s'intéresse vraiment à lui.
Frankly, getting dressed up in a sexy outfit for your Valentine’s night can be seen as an easy win for both men and women. Whether you’re the buyer of the outfit, the wearer, or both, we’re asking you this year to add some flourishes to your repertoire. We suggest starting the titillation early in the morning and building up to an evening of delight, one that is merely complemented by your choice of attire or erotica. Exchange text messages throughout the day - photos optional - send your lover hints, perhaps even give them some input into what you’ll be buying or wearing later… Make the experience more than a quick 30mins at bedtime. At Berkeley international we pride ourselves on being able to provide an elite matchmaking service across the world. Visit our offices page [] to find out more. And enquire [] here for more information on how we work [].